Wednesday, August 22, 1990
It was a beautiful day today. I did washing and mowed a little lawn as Donny has such a bad cold. Must be change of weather from Mexico. Donny stayed by Steve’s yesterday and brought him back this morning. <isa and I took Debbie out for her 36th birthday. We went to Old Country Buffet.…
Sunday, January 19,1986
The weather has been really nice the last few days. It must be our January thaw. Temperatures have been in the 30s. The kids like Christian school, especially not having to take the bus. Keith isn’t feeling good today. The flu is really going around. He’s working 7-3 shift until Thursday. Henry really seems to…
Monday, August 26, 1985
It’s been so cloudy and gloomy the last few days. Sure hope the sun comes out before too long or my tomatoes will never ripen. Donny and Helen stayed by Ken and Cathy’s last Friday night. They enjoyed that a lot. It’s hard to believe Kim and Carrie are in 1st grade this year. Sending…
Wednesday, August 21, 1985
Grandpa Lau died last Sunday, August 18. The funeral was today. Carole Planert died a few weeks ago. They both died of heart trouble. The kids are looking forward to Christian school. It starts in one week.